Colostomy and Ileostomy patients
(Only) for Individuals with a Colostomy
Foods and beverages that may help constipation:
Extra fluids
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Fruit juices
Wheat bran (e.g. bran cereal)
(Only) for Individuals with an Ileostomy
For individuals with an ileostomy, the colon has either been removed or bypassed. The function of the colon is to absorb water, salt and potassium. When the colon has been removed or bypassed some of these functions are lost. It is important to be aware of the signs, symptoms and treatment measures for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
Signs and Symptoms
Treatment Measures
Increased thirst, dry mouth, dry skin, decreased urine output, fatigue, shortness of breath, stomach cramps.
Increase fluids of any kind.
Sodium Loss
Loss of appetite, stomach cramps, cold arms and/or legs, fatigue.
The highest sources of sodium are found in: bullion, instant power soup, canned soups, salted crackers, pretzels, pickles tomato juice, smoked meats, ham, wieners. Cottage cheese, cheeses, goat’s milk. Drinks such as; Gastrolyte, club soda or Gatorade are lower sources of salt.
Potassium Loss
Fatigue, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, decreased sensation in arms and legs, a gassy bloated feeling.
High sources in the vegetable family include: tomatoes, V-8 juice, potatoes, squash, carrots, vegetable and cream soups, salad greens. High sources of potassium in fruits, include: oranges, grapefruits, bananas, melon and avocado. Smooth peanut butter, nuts, butter, tea and coffee are also sources of potassium.
For Individuals with an Ileostomy or Colostomy
Foods that may cause gas
Carbonated Beverages / Pops
Cabbage / Sauerkraut
Brussels Sprouts
Dried Beans / Peas / Legumes
Sweet Potatoes
Foods that may cause odor
Brussels Sprouts
Spicy Foods
Strong Cheese
Foods that may thicken stool
Apple Sauce
White Rice
Cheese (particularly aged varieties)
Potato Chips
Smooth Peanut Butter
Oat Products (Oatmeal / Oatbran)
Foods that may loosen stool
Spicy or Fried Foods
Raw Fruits
High Sugar Foods (e.g. Syrup)
Grape and Apple Juices
Green Beans
Prunes / Prune Juice
There are differences in nutrition management for individuals with an Ileostomy and those with a Colostomy.
For Individuals with an Ileostomy
Some dietary changes are required for individuals with an ileostomy. Most of the changes are temporary, about 6 weeks after surgery (while the small bowel adapts after surgery), and some are more long term. If you had specific dietary restrictions before your surgery, you may want to discuss and review these with a dietician. Sometimes the restrictions are no longer required while at other times they should be maintained. If you need more long-term changes (e.g. ongoing difficulty with high outputs) a dietician can review your dietary needs and restrictions more specifically.
Short-term restrictions include limiting fibrous fruits and vegetables (particularly raw), as well as whole wheat and whole grain products as these may not readily pass through the stoma during the initial stages (due to post-operative swelling). Cooked vegetables and fruits (chewed well) in limited quantities are acceptable. Nuts and seeds (whole) should also be limited during this time. Gradual re-introduction of these food items can occur after 6 weeks, adding one restricted item at a time and monitoring your response to it (cramping, loose stools).
Long-term considerations can include adequately chewing foods before swallowing, separating solid foods from fluids during meals, and ensuring adequate fluid intake during the day. Fluid intake should be in the range of 8 to 10 glasses a day. Certain foods like popcorn can sometimes continue to be problematic, thus long-term avoidance is based on individual food tolerances.
Some foods may cause increased gas or odour when emptying. These foods do not necessarily need to be eliminated from the diet, but you may want to choose when you consume these items so that it best fits in with your lifestyle and environment. Remember that sucking through a straw, chewing gum, sucking on candies / lozenges, chewing food with your mouth open, and smoking will cause you to swallow more air and will increase the gas through your pouch.
For Individuals with a Colostomy
For the most part, dietary changes are not required for individuals with a colostomy. There may be some initial temporary changes, due to the effects of surgery, but otherwise, there are no restrictions or concerns. If you had specific dietary concerns before your surgery, you may want to discuss and review these with a dietician. Sometimes these restrictions are no longer required while at other times they should be maintained.